Some Uses of Blockchain in the Legal Industry
Some Uses of Blockchain in the Legal Industry What is blockchain? At its simplest, blockchain involves recording information in a way that creates trust in the information recorded. Blockchain software synchronizes data stored and distributed amongst peers on all the computers on servers (“nodes”) participating in a particular network. This allows for multiple records of […]
Law Firms and Remote Work
Law Firms and Remote Work Since its introduction, largely as a result of Covid-19, remote working, which has now largely evolved into hybrid working, has undoubtedly altered the functioning of law firms on a quotidian level, introducing the potential for a host of new, dynamic and disruptive business models that are set to re-shape the way […]
How has Technology changed the job of the lawyer?
How has Technology changed the job of the lawyer? The legal profession is not immune to the same technological trends that have touched every industry. Part of advancing the technology revolution in law is the digitization of case law. Last year, the Harvard Law School Library announced the completion of its Caselaw Access Project (CAP), which scanned Harvard’s entire case law library, thereby digitizing […]
What is a Virtual Legal Assistant?
What is a Virtual Legal Assistant? A virtual legal assistant is a professional that offers remote personal and administrative assistance to law firms and legal personnel. They often operate independently from anywhere around the world and can help law firms increase their efficiency and capacity. They also only get compensated for their working hours since […]
Derivatives and Legal Technology
Derivatives and Legal Technology The overall number of legal specialisms are, for most intents and purposes, virtually innumerable in number, intricate in nature, and, in many cases, highly esoteric. These specialisms range from the broad, yet essential, practice areas of family and criminal law to the niche and specific areas of intellectual property and media […]
CRM for Legal Firms: What Legal Firms Need to Know
CRM for Legal Firms: What Legal Firms Need to Know Introduction Legal professionals of today must be masters of their domain and also have a broad set of skills. In the scope of advanced data analytics, artificial intelligence, and other technologies, legal professionals are required to stay relevant and informed. [1] The legal industry is […]
Law Firm Presence on Social Media, is it Required?
Law Firm Presence on Social Media, is it Required? The law, or the practice therefore, is, at its heart, a business. Thus, like any business, the size, scope and engagement of your client base determines a legal practice’s profitability. Fully exploiting a customer base relies in part on the quality, speed and cost of the […]
Marketing for Small to Medium Sized Law Firms
Marketing for Small to Medium Sized Law Firms Marketing strategies for law firms depend on the size of their workforce and business operations. Even though large-scale law firms have higher budgets, more time, and greater marketing expertise, this does not mean that medium to small law firms cannot compete [1]. All in all, small to medium-sized […]
Lawyers Need not Fear Legal Tech
Lawyers Need not Fear Legal Tech The last decade has been a momentous time of dynamism and change in the Legal Sector, characterised by rapidly increasing regulation, greater pressures, and technological advancement. This shifting legal landscape, understandably, is liable to cause worries and concerns regarding firms’ and, at a greater level, lawyers’ abilities to adapt […]
A Guide to AML for Law Firms
A Guide to AML for Law Firms While law firms are not technically what many would class as financial institutions, they are still obligated to establish and maintain an effective anti-money laundering (AML) compliance program. As law firms provide professional services that may be used to facilitate money laundering and other financial crimes, they are […]